What is Basecamp?

Though it has many names- Basecamp, Carver's Camp, Sanctuary, and more- you’ll know its name when you hear it. Basecamp is home to the Wayward Band, the adventuring/survival group founded by Eris Carver after their stranding in the Hearth under mysterious circumstances.

Basecamp Accomodations

Within the confines of Basecamp, you will find...

Five cabins, each containing...

  • Two “Nest” beds, each one circular and 20 feet in diameter, each with 3 nightstands, two “Humanoid” beds, each one rectangular, 8 feet wide, 14 feet long, each with 2 nightstands
  • Two “large” wardrobes (~14ft tall), two “small” wardrobes (~7ft tall)
  • Two communal baths
  • Decorations & other pre-placed amenities (yes, you can move them)
  • A second-floor lounge/reading room
  • A central laundry building with communal washing & drying cylinders

    A central “library” shack

    A communal medical storage/treatment shack

    A communal well, lake pier & fishing shack

    A large communal firepit with benches & seating, plus a firewood shack

    An enormous communal dining hall & kitchen

    A well-reinforced fence to keep most ground-based wildlife out

    Basecamp is well-lit, with paths worn into the grass between the buildings. The camp itself is relatively closely-packed, to maximize lighting efficiency. The outside lamps turn off for 10 hours, then back on for approximately 15, to establish a rough schedule of “day” and “night”.

    Due to the lack of entropy within the Hearth, and distinct lack of common decomposition/rot-related bacteria, building maintenance is only ever an issue due to people’s usage, rather than material decomposition.

    Life in Basecamp

    Due to the nature of the Hearth, Basecamp is never to be left unguarded. At least one person has to be in most buildings at all times- they can’t be left unattended for more than about an hour, especially at “night”, when many of the others are asleep. Shift times do not change (in order to allow consistent schedules), but locations do.

    Though Eris is the de-facto “leader” of Basecamp due to being in the Hearth the longest, Basecamp operates collectively, rather than hierarchically, with people taking up whatever role they see themselves most fit for- after all, you can never have too many people at work, in a place as hostile as this.

    The camp has the capacity to support somewhere from 30-35 people (depending on size, lifestyle, etc.), and currently supports 24 permanent residents, plus the occasional traveler.

    Technology in Basecamp

    Due to the Hearth's natural "stealing" of matter from other planes of existence, modern technology is quite easy to come by, just by digging around. Eris Carver was able to rig up an entire self-sustaining power source in the form of a "far-future" perpetual mmotion device, and connect Basecamp to this power source. Any salvaged electronics are fair game- laptops, gaming consoles, mobile devices, and even occasionally larger devices like televisions and motorcycles have been found, alongside whatever items you have with you upon entry to the Hearth.