Inhabitants of Basecamp - Basic Profiles

This page showcases general profiles of all of Basecamp's permanent inhabitants, chronologically, from earliest arrival to latest, with descriptions written by Halley.

#1 - Eris

Full Name: Eris Carver

Pronouns: they/it/ae/she

Species: Ñezyeki [Humanoid, Draconic]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 7'1"

Build: Heavy, wide

Personality: Friendly, sarcastic, trustworthy.

Closing Comments: First iteration to end up in this dimension. Suspected to be alone for a significant time period (months to years) before others appeared. They're the de-facto leader of Basecamp.

#2 - Halley

Full Name: Halley (Formerly Halley T. Carver)

Pronouns: she/her

Species: Soundbyte

Age (Earth Yr.): ~28

Height: 5'8"

Build: Extremely heavy, wide

Personality: Quiet, apprehensive, curious.

Closing Comments: Second-earliest, only to Eris. First of the new arrivals. Yes, I'm writing my own entry.

#3 - Serene

Full Name: Serene (the Soundbyte)

Pronouns: she/they/it

Species: Soundbyte

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Ancient

Height: 8'2"

Build: Heavy, rather round

Personality: Outgoing, confident, intelligent.

Closing Comments: First non-carbon-based organic lifeform in the Hearth, and also the first to discover its infinite nature via direct observation. Smart fella.

#4 - Falin

Full Name: Falin H. Tavarra

Pronouns: they/them

Species: Indeterminate [Humanoid, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.): 25-30?

Height: 5'11"

Build: Strong, blocky

Personality: Caring, vigilant, scrappy.

Closing Comments: First “simple” humanoid iteration to end up in the Hearth, and the first to hunt one of its wildlife. They scare me a little.

#5 - Piper

Full Name: Piper Ataraxia

Pronouns: she/it

Species: Protogen [Anthropomorphic, Biomechanical]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 8’0”

Build: Soft, wide

Personality: Ingenuitive, excitable, eccentric.

Closing Comments: First partly mechanical iteration, first to study the Hearth’s weather patterns. A downright bizarre creature with a concerning lack of self-preservation skills.

#6 - Melanie

Full Name: Melanie Agnesa

Pronouns: they/she

Species: Indeterminate [Anthropomorphic, Mechanical]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 4’11”

Build: Blocky, stout

Personality: Shy, sensitive, friendly.

Closing Comments: First iteration to enter the Hearth wounded, and first fully mechanical iteration. Poor thing's been through all that, and then ends up here...

#7 - Juno

Full Name: Juno Y. Nixnaram

Pronouns: she/any

Species: Ñezyeki [Humanoid, Draconic]

Age (Earth Yr.): ~33

Height: 6’8”

Build: Slim, athletic

Personality: Calm, sarcastic, competitive

Closing Comments: Somewhat unremarkable during time surrounding entry. They look kinda like Dresi...

#8 - June

Full Name: June A. Valentine

Pronouns: she/her

Species: Indeterminate [Anthropomorphic, Vulpine]

Age (Earth Yr.): 20-30

Height: 5'4"

Build: Slim, muscular

Personality: Hot-headed, protective, teasing.

Closing Comments: First iteration to physically injure another (Juno) in the Hearth. What prompted this? I have no idea.

#9 - Esther

Full Name: Esther C. Valentina

Pronouns: they/she

Species: Human [Humanoid]

Age (Earth Yr.): 27

Height: 5'5"

Build: Moderate, middling

Personality: Calm, friendly, introverted.

Closing Comments: Unremarkable, during time surrounding entry. Wow, a baseline Earth human? That's a sight to behold in a place like this.

#10 - Aurora

Full Name: Aurora M. Zyken

Pronouns: she/xe

Species: Partial Draconic [Humanoid, Draconic, effectively Ñezyeki]

Age (Earth Yr.): ~25

Height: 7'2"

Build: Moderate, soft

Personality: Inventive, snappy, intense.

Closing Comments: Relatively unremarkable, besides magic usage.

#11 - Astra

Full Name: Astra

Pronouns: they/them

Species: Protogen [Anthropomorphic, Biomechanical]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 7'2"

Build: Wide, soft

Personality: Relaxed, loving, extroverted.

Closing Comments: One of the Homestead’s best sources of comfort, and its official therapist. I don't know how they stay so calm, but I'm eternally grateful for them.

#12 - Luna

Full Name: Luna, Friend of the Night

Pronouns: it/its

Species: Indeterminate [Anthropomorphic, Indeterminate]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 6'4"

Build: Lanky, slim

Personality: Erratic, eccentric, but friendly.

Closing Comments: Likely cultist, but acts acceptably nonetheless, accepted by other iterations. Doesn't mean I have to like it...

#13 - Holly

Full Name: Holly H. Tamir

Pronouns: she/her

Species: Indeterminate [Anthropomorphic, Vulpine]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 5'3"

Build: Moderate, soft

Personality: Outgoing, excitable, clumsy.

Closing Comments: Unremarkable. She's been struggling recently, so thank the spirits for Astra...

#14 - Echo

Full Name: Echo (the Soundbyte)

Pronouns: she/her

Species: Soundbyte [Anthropomorphic, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.):

Height: Indeterminate, Adult

Build: Very wide, very soft

Personality: Creative, friendly, extremely social.

Closing Comments: The largest iteration in the Hearth. Shaped like a bed... I like her a lot.

#15 - Stella

Full Name: Stella C.E. Ramona

Pronouns: they/she

Species: Indeterminate [Humanoid, Mixed]

Age (Earth Yr.): 20s-40s

Height: 5'6"

Build: Lanky, athletic

Personality: Indecisive, cold, reclusive

Closing Comments: Nearly perished shortly after entry, due to trust issues. Can't say I'm their biggest fan.

#16 - Reverb

Full Name: Reverb (the Soundbyte)

Pronouns: she/they/it/xe/ae

Species: Soundbyte [Anthropomorphic, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 7'9"

Build: Very wide, very soft

Personality: Energetic, loud, intense.

Closing Comments: Capable of producing music without any sort of physical instrument, through unknown means. She always knows how to set the mood right in dark times, honestly. I look up to her.

#17 - Tempo

Full Name: Tempo (the Soundbyte)

Pronouns: she/her

Species: Soundbyte [Anthropomorphic, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 6'2"

Build: Wide, somewhat soft

Personality: Methodical, confident, patient.

Closing Comments: The smallest & slimmest of the Soundbyte iterations. That's not saying much, though. Soft ladies...

#18 - Waveform

Full Name: Waveform (the Soundbyte)

Pronouns: they/them

Species: Soundbyte [Anthropomorphic, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 8'8"

Build: Wide, very soft, very fluffy

Personality: Cuddly, friendly, calm.

Closing Comments: Capable of echolocation through fine-tuned soundwave blasts. I wonder why there's so many Soundbytes? Not that I'm complaining.

#19 - Haumea

Full Name: Haumea // CC001819

Pronouns: she/it/ae

Species: Protogen [Anthropomorphic, Biomechanical]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 7’0”

Build: Heavy, muscular & soft, broad

Personality: Self-confident, extroverted, strong-willed.

Closing Comments: Only holographically-winged Protogen iteration in the Hearth, denoting a careful construction plan for her body. I wonder why she told us her full serial number?

#20 - Evalyn

Full Name: Evalyn R. Liuden

Pronouns: she/they

Species: Human [Humanoid]

Age (Earth Yr.): 24-26

Height: 5’5”

Build: Moderate, muscular, broad

Personality: Intelligent, methodical, encouraging.

Closing Comments: First and only iteration to arrive in a now-wrecked vehicle (an “X-18” aircraft, according to her), which has since been dismantled for materials. That explosion could be heard from kilometers away...

#21 - Metsi

Full Name: Metsi C.R. Korona

Pronouns: she/they

Species: Ñezyeki [Humanoid, Draconic]

Age (Earth Yr.): 25-30

Height: 5’9”

Build: Soft, wide, somewhat weak

Personality: Friendly, calm, soft-spoken.

Closing Comments: Knows both Serene and Eris from prior encounters- confirmed by both, who also know each other. Surprising...

#22 - Invert

Full Name: Invert

Pronouns: it/its

Species: Indeterminate [Anthropomorphic, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Adult

Height: 5’4”

Build: Average, on the slimmer side

Personality: Eccentric, quiet, generally bizarre.

Closing Comments: Iteration’s body naturally inverts the colors of all worn clothes, all skin-drawn patterns, etc, including the shading caused by shadows. Not to mention that it dresses like a scene girl.

#23 - Solstice

Full Name: Solstice, the Eternally Vigilant

Pronouns: it/they/xe

Species: Indeterminate [Anthropomorphic, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Ancient

Height: 6’1”

Build: Average, on the slimmer side

Personality: Mysterious, poetic, protective.

Closing Comments: Iteration claims to be a former demigod, and has demonstrated their extremely-lessened abilities successfully. They remind me of that one fella from the music video... What was it again?

#24 - Anemoia

Full Name: Anemoia

Pronouns: it/void

Species: Indeterminate [Humanoid, Exotic]

Age (Earth Yr.): Indeterminate, Ancient

Height: 8’8”

Build: Bony, spindly

Personality: Eccentric, poetic, vague.

Closing Comments: Anemoia shares a particular fondness for the Backrooms/liminal spaces, claiming it “reminds it of home”. It looks like something straight out of a weirdcore edit- I kinda love the vibes they give off, to be honest.